The Now Habit Summary Pdf

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The Now Habit Summary Pdf To WordSeven Habits Study GuideQuick overview of the seven habitsThe Seven Principles Quick SheetBe confident, having the freedom to choose to act with responsibilityPersonal Leadership, It is your choice With focus you plan, prioritize and visualize your actionsSelf Management, action This is now organizing and executing around your priorities. Relationships, aka respect Always listen while seeking solutions that support yourself and the other person, listen actively before you talk, open yourself to communicate effectively with others. Private victory, the path to independenceeditHabit 1 Be proactiveeditTake action and take responsibility. This is the basis of all further habits and a cornerstone of success. You will influence your life more than anyone else. You have the opportunity to use your free will and hard work to change yourself and your circumstances. You are only a victim if you allow yourself to be if you are reactive rather than proactive. The emphasis of this habit is to do whatever is in your power to improve your situation. You are the creator, the actor and the doer in your life get started and just do it. Since, in a situation, the thing that you can influence and change the most is your response to it choose your response to any situation and you will find yourself in control. No one can make you angry if you decide you dont want to get angry. Dont let life set you up to be in a bad situation. Have confidence in yourself and believe that you can succeed at anything in life. In your internal dialogue, replace language such as I must do X with I choose to do X, I have to with I want to, If only. Lets see about. etc. I choose to not be angry in my work environment. I choose to spend only planned expenses in my personal budget. The Now Habit Summary Pdf' title='The Now Habit Summary Pdf' />Want to change your bad habits The Power of Habit explains why habits exist and how to change them. 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Download the PDF here Grit PDF Summary Private victory, the path to independence Habit 1 Be proactive. Take action and take responsibility. This is the basis of all further habits and a cornerstone of. SuperhumanByHabit-by-Tynan.jpg' alt='The Now Habit Summary Pdf' title='The Now Habit Summary Pdf' />The Now Habit Summary PdfI want to be more present and involved in my familys happiness. Habit 2 Begin with the end in mindeditVisualize where you want to go. Before you start something sit down and plan it out. A little planning will usually save you a lot of actual work later. Use your creative forces to create images and plans in your head first, then carry out your plan. The plan is called the first creation the second creation is formed when you carry out the plan, and its success depends on a well thought out first creation. Its extremely easy to get caught up in an activity trap, in the business of life, the thick of thin things. I want to be family physician. I want to have a full registration with HPSCAI want to become a useful consultant. The Now Habit Summary Pdf Download' title='The Now Habit Summary Pdf Download' />The Now Habit Summary PdfI want to be a good husband, to be a good father. I want to be respected. Habit 3 Put first things firsteditSet priorities. Cell Track Software Nokia E63 Price. Decide which of your roles and goals are most important, then determine what steps will best achieve those goals. Basically it means doing life with your values in hand. It means defining your idea of success in life from the image you would like to leave in the roles that you assume like spouse, grandparent, voter, activist, student, employee, manager. The idea is to have these clearly defined and on a piece of paper. We need to schedule our priorities. We can use the time management matrix to determine where to spend our time. There are four quadrants where we spend our time Important and Urgent. Important but not Urgent. Urgent but not Important. Not Urgent or Important. To be effective we need to take care of everything in quadrant 1 and then spend as much of our remaining time as possible in quadrant 2. We need to live in quadrants 1 and 2. Quadrant 1 activities are the things that are important and urgent emergencies, deadline driven projects, crises, some meetings, some phone calls. These are the things we cannot and should not ignore. They demand our immediate attention. Quadrant 2 activities include all work in each of the 7 habits, maintenance, recreation, self care, learning, reading, and relationship building. These are the things we dont do because theyre never urgent. Theyre important, but once we finish dealing with the Urgent and Important crises, we often dont want to work in quadrant 2. We get distracted by Urgent things that are not importantquadrant 3 activitiessuch as phone calls, text messages or interruptions from others. We might want to retreat to the gratifying but wasteful activities of quadrant 4 because we feel like we deserve a break. Joomla Template Free Download here. We dont realize that we are setting ourselves up for more crises in quadrant 1 by ignoring the important activities of quadrant 2. Public victory, the path to interdependenceeditHabit 4 Think win wineditMany people grow up with a competitive mindset I win, you lose, a beaten down mindset I give up, do what you want to me, or a mix of these and other mindsets. Each of these has its place. However, for your most valuable family and business interactions, the most mature and effective goal is usually to seek situations which benefit everyone involved. When you negotiate you should seek to make deals that help everyone. In cases where this is not possible, it is best to have the mindset from the outset that you will walk away from the deal win win or no deal. Habit 5 Seek first to understand, then to be understoodeditTo influence and help others, you must first actively listen to them and understand their situation and concerns. For example, imagine a doctor who gives a prescription over the telephone without knowing all the necessary information about the patient and their condition. This could be a serious or even fatal error if the patient takes the wrong medicine. In the same way, when giving someone advice we should be quite careful to understand their circumstances well. Even excellent advice can be useless and wasted if it does not apply to the situation of the person receiving it. It is most effective to listen actively with empathy, consciously trying to understand and to see the world from the other persons perspective. It is also beneficial to listen without judging. Avoid hearing through a filter formed by your own worldview, and do not impose your preconceived ideas on what you hear, because doing so will inhibit your efforts to put yourself in the other persons shoes. Once you have clearly understood the point of view of another person, it is equally important to be understood by them. You need to build the courage to respond to what youve heard and present your own view that takes what the other person has said into account. Habit 6 SynergizeeditThis habit deals with teamwork and opening yourself emotionally to work with other people. Optimistic, emotionally charged individuals who are living out the previous habits can work together in amazing ways and see new paths none of them would have found alone. To synergize means to value differences or disagreements within a group. Instead of looking at the difference negatively, one can view this as beneficial and seek to understand why the difference exists. In coming to understand the difference or disagreement, and thinking with a winwin attitude, a third alternative may appear. A third alternative is one which neither party could have come up with alone but instead is generated out of understanding differences and seeking to reach a winwin solution. This synergy is a bit chaotic but is also fun and stimulating. When you use synergy you are also improving your spiritual, emotional and social side of your life. Deep Work by Cal Newport. Cal Newports Deep Work is a fascinating read about the benefits and practical steps you can take to do more deep work. Unlike shallow work, that can give the false impression of productivity, deep work is much more conducive to increased productivity and getting the results you desire. DOWNLOAD THE DEEP WORK SUMMARY PDF FOR FREE DOWNLOAD PDFINTRODUCTIONWho is this book for Cal Newports Deep Work is a guide on how to have focused success in a distracted world. This book is a great read for anyone looking to get better at what you already do, master your work and produce better results more efficiently. Anyone living and working in the twenty first century will be well aware of the abundance of distractions and the frantic pace that life takes on, Newports book will help you overcome this and really master your work. About the author. Cal Newport studied the theoretical foundations of our digital age, he has in turn written about the impact of these technologies in our lives today and most significantly, on our work. He has a special interest in mastering the ability to concentrate without distraction and believes it is one of the most valuable skills, that is becoming increasingly rare. He has also written So Good They Cant Ignore You and three books popular among students full of advice. In this summary. Cal Newports Deep Work is a fascinating read about the benefits and practical steps you can take to do more deep work. Unlike shallow work, that can give the false impression of productivity, deep work is much more conducive to increased productivity and getting the results you desire. The Deep Work Hypothesis The ability to perform deep work is becoming increasingly rare at exactly the same time it is becoming increasingly valuable in our economy. As a consequence, the few who cultivate this skill, and then make it the core of their working life, will thrive. Cal Newport firstly examines the deep work hypothesis and offers evidence to support it. He explains the advantages of performing deep work. Secondly, using 4 core rules, Newport teaches you how to take advantage of this hypothesis and train your brain, in turn, transforming your working habits. BOOK SUMMARYThe Deep Work Hypothesis. Cel Newport defines two different types of individuals that are destined to be successful in the emerging digital age. Anyone who can work with intelligent machines and technology and 2 anyone that is considered a star in their field of work. Newport defines the two most important characteristics in these successful workers as 1 the ability to take on hard tasksthings and master them at pace, and 2 producing contentproductsservices at what can be considered an elite level in both speed and quality. Thus posing the question, how do you obtain these abilities This is where the concept of deep work comes in, if you are unable to perform deep work, then you will struggle with both of these desired characteristics. Learning hard things. The key to learning hard things at pace is focusing without any distraction, in order to learn efficiently, you need to be performing deep work. Hard things are complex and you need to give them all of your attention and focus. Without deep work, these things will take time to learn, and mistakes will be made. High Quality Work Produced Time Spent x Intensity of FocusNewport explains that in order to produce contentworkservices at an elite level, you must be maintaining focus on the single task for long periods of time, completely without distraction. Its this narrow focus that allows you to produce your best work. Why is deep work rare Newport questions why so many businesses encourage a culture based on being constantly connected, encouraging faster responses to requests, more exposure etc. These are the behaviours that are affecting employees ability to produce deep work. Newport believes that the reason is due to the principle of least resistance The Principle of Least Resistance In a business setting, without clear feedback on the impact of various behaviours to the bottom line, we will tend toward behaviours that are easiest in the moment. It all comes down to the simple reason Because its easier. Newport believes that workers today, are running what he describes as increasingly visible business because they simply do not know another way to portray their value. Busyness as Proxy for Productivity In the absence of clear indicators of what it means to be productive and valuable in their jobs, many knowledge workers turn back toward an industrial indicator of productivity doing lots of stuff in a visible manner. Newport sums it up simply Deep work is hard and shallow work is easier and in the absence of clear goals for your job, the visible busyness that surrounds shallow work becomes self preserving. Why should we perform deep workIn short, because its meaningful. Deep work is an activity well suited to generate a flow state. Flow state is the phrases used by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi to describe notions of stretching your mind to its limits, concentrating, and losing yourself in an activity. All of which also describe deep work. And as we just learned, flow generates happiness. Combining these two ideas we get a powerful argument from psychology in favor of depth. Decades of research stemming from Csikszentmihalyis original ESM experiments validate that the act of going deep orders the consciousness in a way that makes life worthwhile. It becomes clear, that in order to extract meaning from your profession, deep work is the answer. It can assist you to cultivate your skills, transform a knowledge based, distracted job into work that is satisfying, meaningful and successful. HOW Cal Newport has come up with 4 core rules that will help you to take advantage of deep work and master your work. Work DeeplyThe key to developing a deep work habit is to move beyond good intentions and add routines and rituals to your working life. This is designed to minimize the amount of your limited willpower necessary to transition into and maintain a state of unbroken concentration. Newport outlines the key to needing to use less willpower is to set up smart routines and rituals to get you through the workday. Whether it be setting a time and determining a specific location for all your deep work each afternoon. Newport discusses the following points as crucial to getting the most out of deep work sessions Decide where youll work and for how long. Create a zone where you can allow yourself to focus. Decide how youll work once you start work, what are your processes How will you support your work Do you need to be fuelled adequately before you begin Or try some light exerciseNewport mentions the importance of downtime and freedom. Its allowing you this time that assists you in really knuckling down when required to get your deep work done. Downtime can aid your insights. Downtime helps recharge the energy needed to work deeply. You have a limited capacity for deep work on any given day. Try and get it done during the workday and use evenings primarily for downtime. Embrace Boredom. Newport identifies the problem with our fast paced lives, is that our brains have been re wired and expect and request distraction. We check our smartphones at any moment of potential boredom whether it be waiting in a queue or when your friend pops into the bathroom.